Hi Team,
Thanks in Advance!
Am stuck in something very simple I think.
I have set of user/supporters in my Organization, who have access to create users in MS DYANMICS 365 CRM. They are not system admin, but have roles more than a normal user. They can "create" users in CRM and view most of the setting which ideally a normal user can not see, only he/she cannot edit/create them.
Everything going normal, but "error" comes - when there is request to "re-name" an existing user.
This support team when tries to rename the existing user, they get an error message.
Below is the Log file:
Unhandled Exception: System.ServiceModel.FaultException`1[[Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault, Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35]]: Access is denied.Detail:
<OrganizationServiceFault xmlns:i="www.w3.org/.../XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="schemas.microsoft.com/.../Contracts">
<ErrorDetails xmlns:d2p1="schemas.datacontract.org/.../System.Collections.Generic" />
<Message>Access is denied.</Message>
<ExceptionSource i:nil="true" />
<InnerFault i:nil="true" />
<OriginalException i:nil="true" />
<TraceText i:nil="true" />
We are using:
MS Dynamics 365 version 1612 ( (DB on-premises
It will great to hear from you all :)
Best Regards.
*This post is locked for comments
I was not talking about CRM roles. I meant about User Admin role.
HI Sreevali,
Thanks for the feedback.
This custom roles- is very similar to an admin role. Only - the tab "Customization", has "Read" only Privileges for most of the entities here.
I think I will run the enable tracer in CRM server (as suggested by Mahender) to check the missing privilege and then share result here.
Best regards.
Hi Jasveer,
As per Error it say you are trying to change the domain name of the user, only CRM Global admin can do such changes.
Thanks Srikanta, this doesnot work we have given that access mode already and tested.
But thanks again!
Best Regards.
Hi Jasveer,
After giving the required security role, can you try to give the Access Mode of user to "Administrative" in Client Access License (CAL) Information section.
Thanks Kokulan, the custom role already have Org Level write. And still they are not able to re-name any BU user.
Though they can create user across globe.
Best Regards.
Thanks Mahender, sure let me try this.
Best regards
You will have to give Business Unit or Org Level Write permission in your custom role for user entity. Once that's given, they will be able to update user records that are owned by other users in the business. if they have user level write privilege to user entity, they can only rename the ones they own.
Assuming they have edit permission already but it seems they are missing some specific privilege, can you check event viewer of the server after this error and see if there is any log , another option is to enable tracing in the server it will help you to identify specific privilege which these user is missing.
You can use this tool to enable tracing in the CRM server: archive.codeplex.com
and this tool to read trace: archive.codeplex.com
You can share your finding here.
Hi Goutam,
Thanks for quick revert.
I have built a "new" security roles for our Support team - so they can do basics task of an system admin, like creating user. But this team "does not" have System Admin access, because of obvious reason, as we don't want any other actions to be taken by this team, which is ideally our L1 support.
Any other feedback.
Best Regards
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