RE: Importing a simple managed solution
Good Afternoon,
The proper answer is around as Rawish suggested.
The form (and sitemap) changes are somewhat special, in the meaning of, even an import of managed solution can not overwrite the local changes done to them.
See details:
Your described issue is definitely around this: someone made a local change in your target instance too to this form. The proper answerto your problem branches here: is the form custom or out of the box (default), where you have made your changes?
The "swiss army knife" answer is this:
However, if the form is a custom one (not out of the box), then there can be some shortcuts made, which depends on:
- do you have all the ZIP files of the solutions, which introcóduced and modified this particular form previously?
- is anything blocking you from uninstalling and reinstalling them?
- or is the deletion of the form itself allowed with "managed properties"?