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Microsoft Dynamics CRM (Archived)

Create a Workflow to Send Email - What is missing here?

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Hello Everybody!

First, I'm not a "master" in CRM2016 there is a posibility that my "missing action" is nothing like to change a configuration hehehe, but I don't know what configuration would be....

The other day I asked for make this workflow with "Today Date" and somes peoples send me links to know another case and I think that I get it, but I send the condition "true" and nothing happend...

Could you tell me if my steps is "Oks"? or What's missing here?


Then I active this and the workflow "will be rdy". But:


So, what I must do? PD: I don't have integrated CRM to Outlook I think, but it's not only for work?? I means, without it, crm could send emails to me Outlook no?

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  • RE: Create a Workflow to Send Email - What is missing here?

    Thanks you for your time Chris!

    I've a final dude, I want know it's "Ok".

    First I've setting a recurring workflow to update Today every 24h.


    I've read manys post about recurring W. and I think that it's "ok", but there said that this have a limit and I don't know how many times it will repeat... (I read that somes user get between 8-25 times....).

    The idea is that when user create a form, Today'sDate got the today date with Js, afther with a demand (I don't know how work it, but all post called use that...) we trigger this workflow that wait 24hour and check if Todays'Date have value and update.

    -----------------If you see that there is a mistaken call you told me?------------------------------

    Now, like Todays'Date get update every 24H, I've made the workflow for reming email:


    I've set it in "Organization Level" and it will be tigger with changing "Stimated'Date" and "Today'Date", like "Today'Date" update every 24h....this "reming" will too.

    I select Today = Stimated and not Today >= Stimated, because I don't know if this workflow will send emails every day afther reming jejeje.

    -------------A dude, If I use this configuration (From/ To : Owner of Opportunity), it'll work? Because the "from" isn't me the administator, so I want only that the user get an automail. ---------------

    Thanks for your time

  • Verified answer
    C. Dennett Profile Picture
    C. Dennett 330 on at
    RE: Create a Workflow to Send Email - What is missing here?

    Part of the issue with the picture you found above, is that there don't seem to be the standard "X Days Before" and "X Days After" options for setting the Wait Until condition. If those options were there, you could do it almost exactly like in the picture, except that it will say Wait Until instead of Timeout Until.

    If I remember right, "Timeout" was the word used prior to CRM 2016. I believe it's the same function, but they now use the word "Wait". :)

  • Verified answer
    C. Dennett Profile Picture
    C. Dennett 330 on at
    RE: Create a Workflow to Send Email - What is missing here?

    I honestly think that Timeout Until and Wait Until are the same thing. Yours would look similar to the above, but instead of Timeout, yours will say Wait. And instead of "2 days before xxxx", yours will be "Wait until Today'sDate >= StimatedDate"

    Let's simplify it a bit:

    First of all, I'm assuming you have a field called Today (or something) that will store and update the current date. I'm also assuming that you have some sort of Process (whether it's a workflow, BPF, or plugin) that triggers every 24 hours to update the Today field.

    Secondly, I was assuming that you want to send the email 1 day BEFORE the StimatedDate. I'm going to disregard that assumption for simplicity though, and will now assume that when Today is equal to the StimatedDate, you want to send the email.

    So, you have your Today field, and you have your StimatedDate field. Let's say you set up your workflow as follows:

    Add Step: Check Condition

    If StimatedDate Does Not Contain Data OR

    If Today < StimatedDate THEN

    Stop Workflow with a status of Cancelled

    Add Step: Conditional Branch

    Otherwise, if Today >= StimatedDate THEN

    Send Email

    Stop Workflow with a status of Succeeded

    Set the Scope to whatever works best for your environment (probably something other than "User").

    Uncheck the box by Start when: Record is created.

    Check the box by Start when: Record fields change.

    Click Select to choose which fields changing will trigger this workflow.

    Select your Today field, and the StimatedDate field.

    Now, anytime either one of those fields change, whether it's a User changing StimatedDate, or your process changing the date in the Today field, this workflow will trigger, check the above conditions, and stop (either Cancelled, or Succeeded).

    I really hope this gets you where you want to be.

  • RE: Create a Workflow to Send Email - What is missing here?

    Oh bro another other dude!

    I was finding information to "how add +1 day"

    And I find this picture:


    It's called that send emails when an appoiment date is set. Also there they call that with two option field, we can control to only send 1 email and not multiples, but I've a dudes:

    (1) This workshop work without a "Today'sDate" field (I don't see that they called it)
    So, it's Oks think that "CRM" have a internal "Today'sDate"? and this "Today'sDate" actualice with Computer'sDay (Your PC)?

    (2) In CRM2016 I can only see a "Wait Until", where I can find "Timeout"?

    (3) What's the difference between both? in (2).

    (4) I don't touch anything with emails propieties, there is needed any change? (what Changes? Because I've tried to send me an email (not workflow) and it said : "Maybe the User doesn't have email or configuration to get emails", I checked and see that I don't have this permition (I'm adm), I tried to put "On" but I can't modify... Do you know what I must do?

  • RE: Create a Workflow to Send Email - What is missing here?

    Bro another dude,

    We've tried to make the Workflow that you said, but we get stop in this part:


    We tried to make like you said, 4 conditions ways:

    In the first two conditions we've select <Stop Secondary Process> . We think that it's the "Quit" 

    But the last two conditions we tried to <Start a Secondary Process>. We look that we can't select the primary workflow (Reming Email) or select +1 Day.

    We've look that with Business Rules we can make the "+1 Day" . But we think that a Business Rules is "always" turn on, so he'll upgrade this value every time.... or we are "confused" and this Business Rules only work when Opportunities are open.

    Thanks for your time Chris

  • RE: Create a Workflow to Send Email - What is missing here?

    PD: When "I Start again the CRM" I was triying to said:

    "It's a workflow that work every 24h?

    So If I give a value to StimatedDate : 15/03/18 [13:00]

    (The hour is given by internal system, not for user).

    It'll set 16/03 13:00 in the same moment that workflow run (Today is 15 but the value already is 16).

    Then tomorrow (16/03 13:00) it check StimatedDate : 16/03/18 [13:00] and change to 17/03/18 ......

    It happend until the next day (17/03) because the workflow gave SD : 18/03 and it active the sending email (So it send email one day before).

  • RE: Create a Workflow to Send Email - What is missing here?

    For Today'sDate I've set this (I read in a forum, but I don't know if it's Oks).

    (1) Create Var Today'sDate like "Simple Date".

    (2) With Scrips ---> .setValue( now() ); in On Load Event.

    So, When I load the Opportunity (or Create?) it save me for Example:

    Today'sDate : 15/03/18   ; and don't change until I open again this.

    With StimatedDate : 18/03/18

    With your extra workflow, you told me that he'll do right now:

    TD (15/03) != SD (18/03) ---> TD => 16/03

    And Tomorrow when I start again the CRM, he'll do:

    TD (16/03) != SD (18/03) ----> TD => 17/03

    Or for do it again I must enter again to the Opportunity (So the Scrip Change Today'sDate to the same value (16/03) , active and set 17/03?

  • Verified answer
    C. Dennett Profile Picture
    C. Dennett 330 on at
    RE: Create a Workflow to Send Email - What is missing here?

    You've got it, Maurizio!

    You won't have to check the process stage (re-take or close), because the workflow will start every time your Today'sDate changes. For example:

    Create --> Check for value of StimatedDate... If empty, quit. If not, check if StimatedDate is Today + 1 day. If not, quit.

    When Today'sDate Changes --> Check for value of StimatedDate. If empty, quit. If not, check if StimatedDate is Today + 1 day. If not, quit.

    When StimatedDate Changes --> Check for value of StimatedDate. If empty, quit. If not, check if StimatedDate is Today + 1 day. If not, quit.

    When other Changes are made (by Scripts) --> Check for value of StimatedDate. If empty, quit. If not, check if StimatedDate is Today + 1 day. If not, quit.

    So, really all you need to do is set up your workflow like this (this is assuming you have a field that updates with the current date each new day):

    1. If StimatedDate is empty, quit.

    2. If Today'sDate is empty, quit.

    3. If StimatedDate is not Today'sDate + 1 day, quit.

    4. If StimatedDate is Today'sDate + 1 day, send remind email.

    If you run the above workflow steps every time either the Today'sDate field or the StimatedDate fields change, you should get exactly what you want. Again, this assumes you've already put a field on Opportunity that captures and updates the current date.

    Please let me know if this resolves your issue. :)

  • RE: Create a Workflow to Send Email - What is missing here?

    Oks! There a dude, If It undestart all right.

    In my process, opportunities can be re-taken (start in Stage1) or deleting (Close a Loss).

    I must put both "Check" or only the last that did you said?

    If it's okey, this action do it?:

    When create --> Not End Value (StimatedDate) and Quit.

    When Change --> End Value (StimatedDate) and Star Holding until the date.

    And if the user select "Re-Taken" and back again to Stage1, my scrips delete all fields that was completed

    When Change (by Scrips) --> Not End Value (StimatedDate) and Quit.


    Also another dude, I've read that "check" this I must select a day, for example, if I want check it today, I'll set "StimatedDate" in 16/03/18 and look tomorrow if it's oks or it's fake and I can set "StimatedDate" in 15/03/18 and get this email today??

    Thanks you for your time Chris

  • Verified answer
    C. Dennett Profile Picture
    C. Dennett 330 on at
    RE: Create a Workflow to Send Email - What is missing here?

    Hi Maurizio,

    Because you only have this workflow set to run when the record is created, that is the ONLY time it is running. Thus, it runs that one time, sees that there is nothing in the StimatedDate field, and quits.

    You will need to set it up so that this workflow runs whenever the Today'sDate changes. In your step 2, check the box next to the option for "Run on Field Change", and click the Select button. Then, find the field you set up to store the current date, and check that box. Now, every single time the Today'sDate field changes, your workflow will run.

    Please let me know if this solves your issue. :)

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