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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

Is there a way to automate manual payments and applying them to open invoices?

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We have an existing process (using integration manager) to post invoices into open payables.  We are exploring using ACH as a payment method rather than cutting checks.  I have googled and searched here, but I cannot find any information on how I might automate the other half of the transaction.

Once we ACH and receive confirmation, is there any way (integration,econnect, etc...) to import these transactions and apply them to the invoices we had already posted to open A/P?  I believe it would be a manual payment when doing this through the user interface, but it seems this isn't an option in econnect or integration manager.

I have been successful in doing a payment via integration manager and adding a check number.  This effectively skips open AP.  This is fine in some cases, but in most cases we will need to let things sit in open AP for some time.

We are running GP 10 with SQL server 2008. 

Any help would be appreciated?  I've got to think this has been encountered before. 

*This post is locked for comments

  • L Vail Profile Picture
    L Vail 65,271 on at
    RE: Is there a way to automate manual payments and applying them to open invoices?

    Hello Steve,

    You can import the payment and the invoice at the same time. Essentially, you'd be importing a paid invoice. The payments are automatically applied to it's invoice, you wouldn't be importing a separate payment transaction. Using this method you are limited to one check per invoice. Would this kind of thing work for you?

    Kind regards,


  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Is there a way to automate manual payments and applying them to open invoices?

    Hello Steve,

    Is it possible to apply unposted payments to unposted invoices?

    We're an accounts payable provider and developing an integration with GP where we want to create invoices and payments in GP.

    Ideally we want leave the posting of invoices and payments to the users but have the payments that we import applied to the invoices that we import at the time of import.

    Is this possible at all with GP and with eConnect in particular?

    Best Regards,


  • Cecile Dinh Profile Picture
    Cecile Dinh 585 on at
    RE: Is there a way to automate manual payments and applying them to open invoices?

    Hello Kirk,

    In my understanding you are exploring the possibility of using ACH.

    We are currently using ACH process. We post the Invoices and use the Select Checks out of the box functionality of GP to pay using EFT.  It automatically apply the payment to Open Invoices (this will save you time applying manually and avoid duplicate payments).  If we have Invoices that we don't want to pay yet, we put them on hold.  

    To setup, you will need to assign Bank information to each EFT vendors and then when you create the ACH batch, you select EFT instead of Check.  Then you build your batch.

    I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any questions.



  • Gary Rosenfeld Profile Picture
    Gary Rosenfeld 5 on at
    RE: Is there a way to automate manual payments and applying them to open invoices?


    That is what I'm trying to do using TI.  We use a third party a/p service which provides us with the transaction files which I'm importing as manual checks.  The problem I have is that if two invoices (from two different periods) are being paid with one check, it is coming in as two documents (and sometimes in two separate batches), each with the same check number and the system is kicking the second one out.  I can't seem to figure out a workaround.  Ideally, if i could leave the check number field blank or have it allow duplicates, that would work.

    Any ideas?



  • L Vail Profile Picture
    L Vail 65,271 on at
    Re: Is there a way to automate manual payments and applying them to open invoices?


    Could you just import the paid invoices? You can import a SOP document with a payment attached to it.

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    Re: Is there a way to automate manual payments and applying them to open invoices?

    Hello Steve,

    I have checked this post and I think it will helpful to me but I dont want to use Econnect; I will use only integration. What I want is I will import invoices and do post them on same date/time and make payment also in same date/time. Please let me know Invoice entry, Posting of batch, apply Invoices and payment can be automated and scheduled as well. Please reply on this if it can done thru only Integration manager or we require Econnect too.

    Thanks & Regards,


  • steveendow Profile Picture
    steveendow 2,281 on at
    Re: Is there a way to automate manual payments and applying them to open invoices?

    Hi Miguel,

    I worked with Kirk to develop an AP Manual Payment Import & Manual Payment Apply application that can import and / or apply unposted AP manual payments.

    If you are interested, please feel free to contact me.


    Steve Endow

    Dynamics GP Certified Trainer

    Dynamics GP Certified Professional

  • Mickey Martorell Profile Picture
    Mickey Martorell 30 on at
    Re: Is there a way to automate manual payments and applying them to open invoices?


    I don't know if I should have created a new post or not but this is exactly what I'm looking for and  I still see no answer. Kirk were you able to find a solution to this? I am also in need of trying to apply payments to invoice that are manually created using econnect. I do know about SQL and have used a profiler to see what tables are being used but I have had no success yet in making it work.


    Miguel Martorell

  • Kirk Taylor Profile Picture
    Kirk Taylor 225 on at
    Re: Is there a way to automate manual payments and applying them to open invoices?

    Thanks for the info.  I will go into a little more detail of what I would like to accomplish in case you can provide more info.

    You are correct that I'm wanting to apply payments to open invoices, but I don't necessarily have to be able to "Post" them.  If I could at least get a "Manual Payment Entry" batch loaded that applies amounts to invoices, I have a product that will post the batches for us automatically.  (Postmaster).  I'm very familiar with VB.NET and SQL, so if I could backtrack all of the various tables I could probably load a batch without much trouble.  I've done many manual SQL queries to read information from our various comanies, but I don't have the deep down knowledge to feel comfortable doing a transaction without using econnect or IM.  However, I can't imagine that just loading a batch is terribly hard.

    If you have done this before and can provide me the tables that would be affected I could probably figure it out from there.



  • steveendow Profile Picture
    steveendow 2,281 on at
    Re: Is there a way to automate manual payments and applying them to open invoices?

    [EDIT:  Updated to correct explanation of unposted AP payments to posted AP invoices]

    Hi Kirk,

    You are correct that this has definitely been encountered before by others, but unfortunately the application of AP payments to AP invoices is not supported by either IM or eConnect.  Based on how that process currently works in AP, I suspect that it will probably never be supported.

    However, with that said, it is technically possible to apply AP payments to invoices with custom code and custom SQL.

    But there is a big caveat.

    If you are applying the unposted payments to posted invoices, it is only moderately difficult to develop a custom integration.  I developed an integration that imported manual payments, and then applied the unposted payments to the open invoices.  This took a fair amount of reverse engineering and work, but the solution works well.

    However, if you are applying posted payments to posted invoices, then it suddenly becomes a much more complex solution.   

    The reason for the complexity is that when you apply a posted AP payment to a posted AP invoice, if the invoice is paid in full, it moves it to history immediately and does additional housekeeping, such as update vendor balances.  It is similar to bank transaction imports in that there is no batch, and the 'posting' occurs immediately, and there is no "oops" button.  This means that there is alot more SQL activity, and quite a bit more complexity.

    I have done the research to reverse engineer that process, and although it is probably technically possible, it would much more complex.

    Let me know if that helps, and if you have any additional questions.


    Steve Endow

    Dynamics GP Certified Trainer

    Dynamics GP Certified Professional

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