Hi all,
First post, we are migrating to BC next year and I am trying to learn some of the 'basic' report changes we need to do internally.
I think I've done the right thing on aged accounts for adding payment terms:
reportextension 80001 CustPaymentTermsExt extends /Aged Accounts Receivable/
RDLCLayout = './source/reportextension/AgedAccountsReceivableFP.rdlc';
column(Payment_Terms_Code; /Payment Terms Code/)
{ }
column(Location_Code; /Location Code/)
{ }
I've edited the RDLC and uploaded and that seems to be working as expected.
Now I am stuck with the Customer Statement, that is a Word document template.
I have two requirements
1. Add the Customer Payment Terms to the document
2. Replace our main Company Address information with the Location details instead. So if the statement is running for Customers set to Location Code MAIN, the Statement needs to show the MAIN address detail. Customers to EAST will need to show that address on their statement, and so on.
The first snag I've hit, trying to replicate the above for this report gives /A DataItem with name 'Customer' could not be found in the target Customer Statement./
reportextension 80003 CustStatement_FPFields_Ext extends /Customer Statement/
WordLayout = './source/reportextension/FP-CustStatement.docx';
column(Payment_Terms_Code; /Payment Terms Code/)
{ }
column(Location_Code; /Location Code/)
{ }
Any help appreciated!
Kind Regards, Luke