Re: Sales Invoice Entries are creating Batches in GL
1. Check Tools>> Routines>> Batch Recovery and make sure that your batch is not stuck there.
No batch stuck Up.
2. Check if your transaction affected your customer or not.
No, The transaction are also not affecting the Customer . I checked in Customer Order inquiry report and I found all invoices those are posted from Sales Transaction entry, but still appearing in the Unposted option.
Now how to post all these invoices as these are not appearing in the Sales Transaction Entry Window
3. Check if the transaction exit in GL open transactions and the journal is unposted. -
There is no transaction available in GL for the problematic ones. So , not came into GL
4. Check your posting setup and make sure that "Post to GL" is marked for "Sales Transaction Entry". I checked that option and it was marked , I will post today some invoices , then I will see the results.
5. but it could also be if the sales is for 0 dollars and if the items have 0 cost. There would be nothing to post.
The items cost is '0' for some items but not all , But before posting was o.k even with '0' cost.
Kindly answer for No.2 .
Hilal Uddin