I have encountered a customization issue with the Cash Account Transaction, during this process all customizations ( nothing in custom, custom2, or customvba) have been removed from the database. I will change into customization mode and change the size of the screen, save it close it down and can reopen the screen. Now, when I resize the grid after a certain length and save it and close it down, on reopen the screen crashes. This also happens when shortening the length size of the datagrid components, lets say the maskedtextbox for example sake. If I lengthen the maskedtextbox and save it, it will not save the size change. I have tried this in the clients database, as well as in the default database. I receive the same results. Anyone know of a fix or a hotfix for this issue? The customizations they have for 2011 are causing the screen to crash as a result.
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