We have created some new instances of Dynamics CRM V9 online hosted in the UK data center and have found that it is incredibly slow to import data, for example a simple import of 100 records into the account table took over 30 minutes this test was run on several V9 instances including one OotB with no customizations applied and all took an excessive amount of time of 30 minutes. Importing the same data set into a V8 database took under a minute as expected. The problem is consistent across different browsers and machines and both import file types CSV & XML.
We have also noted other problems with V9 such as a simple workflow takes minutes to fire, business processes not working, the standard revise quote functionality fails to work.
Has anyone else experienced issues with V9 particularly if hosted in the UK CRM11 data center.
We have raised the issue with Microsoft but thus far they have not been able to resolve the issue.
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