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date difference is not accurate

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Hello guys,
  •  How to calculate the date difference between the employee joining and termination date i.e. employee join date is 3/08/2023 08:00:00:00 and the termination date is 24/08/2023 08:00:00:00 when I figure the difference in its result is 22 days but in x++ code return 21 days how can I handle this.
  •  if the employee joining date is 3/08/2023 08:00:00:00 and the termination date is 3/08/2023 06:00:00:00 is the same then x++ return date difference 0, while I want to pay him one day's salary. Please guide me on how to handle this.
  terminateDate = hcmEmployment.ValidTO;
int daysInLastMonth = dayOfMth(terminateDate);
daysInLastMonth= daysInLastMonth - dayOfMth((DateTimeUtil::date(hcmEmployment.ValidFrom)))
  • Martin Dráb Profile Picture
    Martin Dráb 230,853 Most Valuable Professional on at
    date difference is not accurate
    One problem with your code is that it doesn't support employment that spans more than a single calendar month. But you don't have to (and you even shouldn't) calculate it by yourself - use existing methods instead. For example, there is DateTimeUtil::getDifference() (returning the number of seconds, which you need to convert to days), or System.DateTime.Subtract (returning System.TimeSpan object, which has a property called Days).
    Your second example is wrong, because the length of the employment is negative.

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