MRP ignores demand forecast pre plan start date
Hi Ben
Thanks so much for getting back to me.
I have checked the two toggles you mentioned below, and they are both turned on.
The plan date starts two months later because our POs have to be locked in with our supplier two months in advance and cannot be changed. Therefore, I really need the plan to start two months later (whilst still including the sales forecast in those two months) so that BC is looking at the correct balances at the start of the plan date.
I have tried running the plan at today's date but it is suggesting i make changes to my Feb and March PO's which I can't do, so when I am looking at raising my April po, the BC opening balance at the start of April is wrong because it is including any 'plan' qtys from Feb and March. This results in April's plan productions coming in too late because it thinks I've made it's suggested changes in Feb and March. Sorry that was very waffly!
Does that make sense?