RE: Mass modify by segments
The reason this is happening is because when the software was originally installed, the installer did not add an index on each segment. To work around this, you can use the Account Format setup window.
Make sure everyone has exited from The system and then do the following:
1. Open the Account Format Setup window via Administration | Setup | Company | Account Format Setup.
2. At the bottom of the window, there is a field named 'Main Segment ID'. Change that segment to the one you were trying to use in Mass Modify. You will get a dialog telling you to run Check Links, but you don't have to do that.
3. Go into Mass Modify and do whatever you needed to do.
4. Go back into the Account Format Setup window and change the Main Segment ID back to the correct segment.
5. Run Check Links on Account Master Logical file.
That's it :)
Be sure to try this on a test company and to backup your company database before you do it in production.
Kind regards,