I am working on a project about making reservations. I have a reservation table that holds the enum field Status. And reservation lines table that holds the NoYes - Paid field.
The task is I have to iterate through all lines in res lines table and see if the NoYes Paid field is yes. If this field is yes on all lines in a given reservation, the field Status in res table has to change its status to Paid.
Any suggestions how should I implement this?
This is the code I tried, but nothing changes
public void modifiedField(FieldId _fieldId)
axmResLines_SJ reslines;
switch (_fieldId)
case fieldNum(axmReservation_SJ, ReservationStatus):
while select* from reslines
where reslines.ReservationId == this.ResId
if (reslines.Paid == NoYes::Yes)
this.ReservationStatus = AXMReservationStatus_SJ::Paid;