Hello Experts,
i have a problem, i try to retrieve Child Records to Update some Attributes but i dont know how to do that.
I read so many Questions and Anwers, blogs and so on but i allways get an Error...
Can anyone help me?
Guid seminarID = Guid.Empty; EntityReference seminarortId = null; EntityReference aref = seminarRef.Get<EntityReference>(executionContext); // Abrufschein ermittlen Entity seminar = service.Retrieve(aref.LogicalName, aref.Id, new ColumnSet("mrd_seminarort")); seminarID = seminar.GetAttributeValue<Guid>("mrd_seminarid"); seminarortId = seminar.GetAttributeValue<EntityReference>("mrd_seminarort"); //Teilnehmer ermitteln Entity teilnehmer = new Entity(); QueryExpression query = new QueryExpression("mrd_teilnehmer"); query.ColumnSet = new ColumnSet(true); query.Criteria.AddCondition("mrd_ak_seminarid", ConditionOperator.Equal, seminarID); // query ausführen EntityCollection retrieveedxpan = service.RetrieveMultiple(query); tracingService.Trace(Convert.ToString(retrieveedxpan.Entities.Count)); if (retrieveedxpan.Entities.Count == 0) { // Template nicht gefunden tracingService.Trace("Es wurden keine Teilnehmer gefunden!"); } else { foreach (var entity in retrieveedxpan.Entities) { tracingService.Trace(Convert.ToString(seminarortId)); teilnehmer["mrd_seminarort"] = seminarortId; _serviceProxy.Update(teilnehmer); } }
*This post is locked for comments
Thank you Pawel :)
It works perfectly :)
Have a nice day!
Well currently you are not updating anything as you did not provide ID for the entity you are trying to update. Check this code with my comments:
//Entity teilnehmer = new Entity(); DON'T do this here, you don't have to create it here as you don't use it here QueryExpression query = new QueryExpression("mrd_teilnehmer"); query.ColumnSet = new ColumnSet(true); query.Criteria.AddCondition("mrd_ak_seminarid", ConditionOperator.Equal, seminarID); // query ausführen EntityCollection retrieveedxpan = service.RetrieveMultiple(query); tracingService.Trace(Convert.ToString(retrieveedxpan.Entities.Count)); if (retrieveedxpan.Entities.Count == 0) { // Template nicht gefunden tracingService.Trace("Es wurden keine Teilnehmer gefunden!"); } else { foreach (var entity in retrieveedxpan.Entities) { //now it makes sense to create teilnehmer Entity teilnehmer = new Entity("mrd_teilnehmer"); //but you have to provide name of the entity! teilnehmer.Id = entity.Id; //And for sure you need to provide ID, if you want to update! tracingService.Trace(Convert.ToString(seminarortId)); teilnehmer["mrd_seminarort"] = seminarortId; _serviceProxy.Update(teilnehmer); } }
Can you share some details about your entity and related entity and on which event you are registering your plugin.
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