Hi there,
I am trying to filter not empty values for InventSiteId from InventDim table but it is still showing empty in my view for InventSiteId
First, I created a query with below code and added datasource as InventDim.
public void init() { super(); QueryBuildDataSource qbdsInventDim = this.query().dataSourceName(tableStr(InventDim)); QueryBuildRange inventSiteIdRange = qbdsInventDim.addRange(fieldNum(InventDim, InventSiteId)); inventSiteIdRange.value(SysQuery::valueNotEmptyString()); inventSiteIdRange.status(RangeStatus::Hidden); }
I used above query in my view and added fields.
I did build and sync db but I still see empty values in my View for InventSiteId.
I did try creating view based on InventDim and added range for inventSiteId and value as (SysQuery::valueNotEmptyString()) but it is still showing empty values in my View for InventSiteId.
Not sure what is wrong here. It must work with above code. Any suggestion?