Any other ideas on fixing this issue?
The report is a the default (out of the box) TB report..
The issue happens on both detail and summary reports.
Recreated the reports.dic (just in case and because the user who reported it was using a modified report). Turns out, it happens also on the canned reports...
I also did a synchronize (dex.ini) thing.
Any other ideas would be highly appreciated..
It sounds like you tried all the correct steps that often fixes this. If the forms and reports dictionaries didn't get upgraded properly, this can happen after an upgrade. Here is the blog on this topic with the proper steps during the upgrade:
Usually just recreating the forms and reports dictionaries fixes this (links below), or running the Synchronize option in Utilities for the dynamics.dic will fix this.
850465 How to re-create the Reports.dic file in Microsoft Dynamics GP
951767 How to re-create the Forms.dic file in Microsoft Dynamics GP
If neither above worked for you, then export out all your mod forms and reports, add SYNCHRONIZE=TRUE to the dex.ini, and in Utilities run the 'Synchronize forms and reports dictionaries' in Utilities first to re-synchronize the Dynamics.dic. Test to see if fixed. If not, then then run the 'update forms and reports dictionaries' in Utilities, followed by the same 'synchronize' option again. Then test. If that doesn't work, then rebuild the forms and reports dictionaries again. It should get fixed with one of these options.
Hope the helps,
Dynamics GP Support
Try rebuilt reports dictionary first, if not fixed then see if you have any modified form needed to be mapped other wise you may have screen DPI issue.
Hi Elena,
Did anyone recently change the CoA framework to extend the number of digits in each segments? to me this "garbage" looks like an invisible character that GP tries to print and simply returns a 'dummy' character instead of a blank space.
Can you show a screen shot of the Account Maintenance form with one of those accounts pulled in? Could you check your Account setup and segment setup in GP ?
Did you check with changing field width in report ? or changing font?
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