Background: Since the Data Export Service is being deprecated by Nov 2022, we have configured Azure Synapse Link and are able to query the "Lake" database in the built in server less pool
Wanted to seek clarifications on a couple of aspects -
Q1: Views needs to be created in a different SQL Database on the serverless pool
Got an error "Operation CREATE VIEW is not allowed for a replicated database" when creating a view in the "Lake" database.
Based on https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/synapse-analytics/sql/resources-self-help-sql-on-demand?tabs=x80070002, figured that user defined objects cannot be created in the Lake database. So created a SQL Database in the serverless pool and used the three part convention for cross database queries.
Any other options that can be explored?
Q2: Scalar Functions
In Data Export Service solution, we had created many Scalar functions that were used in the views. E.g. A function to return the option set label value. Since the entity has many fields using option sets, the view invokes the function to return the label.
The server less synapse pool does not support scalar functions - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/synapse-analytics/sql/overview-features
In the spirit of reusing our logic and the code that we have developed overtime, I am guessing that we need to have a dedicated pool or Azure SQL DB. In either case, we will need to physically move the data using Data factory or synapse pipelines, right?