I am trying to open at form and pre-populate a lookup field using Xrm.Navigation.navigateTo
This piece of code is being used to create the relationship, however it is not displaying anything.
pageInput.relationship = { attributeName: "crd80_caseloadreview", navigationPropertyName: thisRecordName, name: "crd80_task_CaseLoadReview_crd80_caseloadreview", relationshipType: 0, roleType: 1 }
- attributeName: has been set to the logical field name on the form
- navigationPropertyName: is the name of the record I wish to link to
- relationshipType: is set to one to many
- I dont really understand what "name" I should be using (have used the relationship name from the entity)
- I dont really understand what "roleType" to use.
https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/power-apps/developer/model-driven-apps/clientapi/reference/xrm-navigation/navigateto is not very informative.