I am looking for a formula/add-in to pull an account balance from Dynamics 365 just by telling the formula a few criteria.
I'm not really sure where to start with this, but what I am going toward is an accounting software I used as an auditor that would let you type in a formula that would give you a live value of the balance stored on the software's cloud. It was very useful as you would just have to build all of your spreadsheets with the account numbers and a date at the top and the formula would fill in the balances using those two criteria.
The formula would look somehtign like this: =ABC.AccountBalance(Account,Date) and it would return the balance of that account on that date. Other formulas were things like =ABC.AccountDescription or =ABC.AccountNetChange etc...
I would think this would be developed by now for Dynamics as an add-in, but I can't find it yet.
In the meantime, perhaps I can find a way to link to a data table in Dynamics and somehow reference values with web addresses like this: https://dynamicsenvironment/datatable/accountnumber or something like that and I can just use a concate function to put the link together.
As a last result I'm sure I can just use the edit in excel functionality and just have the trial balance in the back of all of my workbooks, or in a workbook on it's own, but I foresee this breaking a lot, or needing manually refreshed all of the time. Also I think the date would be hard to update for the balance you wanted.
Any and all ideas are welcome at this point, thank you for reading.