I am using HQ i just created a supplier that i want to add in all items in my hq database. What query do i need to run ?
I have tested many queries but i dont know where that value is being update in the Supplier table. I understand that when you create a supplier an automated Supplier ID get generated and when you add that supplier to the item , then that item saves the supplier using supplier id in the database. So if i write the query , for example supplier id is 1 for the supplier i created
update item set supplier id = 1
Then this value gets updated in every item in the supplierid colum but that supplier does not show up in any item in HQ Manager. So it mean i am triggering the wrong table. I also checked the Supplier Properties in HQ Manager. Under the supplier properties there is another head names supplier item. This head contains all the items that being supplied by this supplier. Now i dont know where this SupplierItem is in the database. If i know that then i can work with.
I would really appreciate if someone can help me and guide me thorough. Please write you suggesstions or solutions in detail please.
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