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How do I force Dynamics 365 to display a "Not compatible" when opened in Chrome?

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Our users have Microsoft Internet Explorer v11, Edge and Google Chrome on their workstations.  Our version of Dynamics 365 works fine in IE11 and Edge but has problems in Chrome.  We've tried telling our users to not use Chrome but some are stubborn and refuse to listen and this generates calls our Helpdesk would rather not field.

Is there any way to modify Dynamics 365 so it redirects to a "Not Compatible" page if the user tries to browse using Chrome?  If I could edit Main.aspx I would just add a Browser detection routine that redirects to another aspx page but obviously that is now unsupported in Dynamics 365.  So how would I go about it in a "supported" fashion?

  • RE: How do I force Dynamics 365 to display a "Not compatible" when opened in Chrome?

    Thank you Erhan!  I played with IIS-Rewrite this morning and that looks pretty good.  I think that will be the best method to redirect depending on browser.

    Pankaj I could do make that API call to AddGlobalNotification, but our users wouldn't notice such a small notification bar at the top and they'd still call in.  I need something large and flashy lol.

    Ramit I agree Chrome is probably not an issue, or it may be something we can resolve.  After querying our testers further, I think they may have just been tired of testing all our browsers (IE, Edge and Chrome) and wanted to reduce their test load.  I've asked for screenshots but haven't received them yet.  As a long term solution I think we can resolve the Chrome issues.

  • Verified answer
    erhan.keskin Profile Picture
    erhan.keskin 2,251 on at
    RE: How do I force Dynamics 365 to display a "Not compatible" when opened in Chrome?


    I think the best way is to identify the issue and resolve it rather than blocking chrome for users as chrome is a supported browser for Dynamics 365 by Microsoft.

    However, if that is the case then browser based redirection on IIS could be considered;


  • Suggested answer
    Pankaj Gogoi Profile Picture
    Pankaj Gogoi 3,177 on at
    RE: How do I force Dynamics 365 to display a "Not compatible" when opened in Chrome?

    Hi Craig,

    I think you can use the addGlobalNotification API to display a notification. Here are few links for your reference.

    I would suggest fixing the issue rather than redirection.

    Hope this helps

    Best Regards,


  • Suggested answer
    Ramit Paul Profile Picture
    Ramit Paul 22,313 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: How do I force Dynamics 365 to display a "Not compatible" when opened in Chrome?


    Have you checked with Incognito ?

  • Terrance Morgan Profile Picture
    Terrance Morgan 515 on at
    RE: How do I force Dynamics 365 to display a "Not compatible" when opened in Chrome?

    Got same problem here.

    I have two customers with online, and they're unable to use Apps for w8/Ipads.

    We tryed with our crm2013+adfs deployment and tablets/mobile are not working. The apps simply asking credentials (android, sometimes W8) or not allowing you to enter with various errors (Ipad/iphone, W8.1).

    CRM2013+ADFS3.0 are working fine if yout them with a browser, from PCs and from tablets/mobiles too (for mobiles, its switch in /m mode).

    On ADFS/CRM we enabled form based auth following the crm2011+adfs implementation manual.

    On ADFS we have errors. Seems that we are coming with wrong name/password even if we are using the same credential on the same org successfully if we browse it with classic browser.

    So ADFS is working fine, not for mobile.


    Terrance | Apps4Rent

  • Suggested answer
    Ramit Paul Profile Picture
    Ramit Paul 22,313 Most Valuable Professional on at
    RE: How do I force Dynamics 365 to display a "Not compatible" when opened in Chrome?


    I don't think this is possible to tell users by the google chrome is not supported.

    However, what is the problem you face in chrome? that can be mitigated if you share some details.

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