I am trying to validate certain condition for a contact delete. Ex: If the contact is associated to an Account then i dont want to delete and show some meaningful message to the user. I was able to implement for single record delete but i need to change in lot of places wherever the Delete buttons are available. There are other buttons exist in system where user can delete a contact. I may need to change all the places or write a Plug-in rather than going with Script.
I tried to setup a new relationship with "Referential, Restrict Delete" so that out of the box alert can throw the message but some how that is not working. Do i need to setup any thing else? Here is the screen shot for the same?
Plug-in is the only best solution or Other than plug-in are there any other solutions available to validate contact delete across the system?
Is there Referential Relationship alert i can setup from out of the box? If so can you validate the screen shot steps and confirm why this is not working?
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