Re: Anyone able to create a SAFOptionArray using visual studio
I've tangled with this a in a screen built in 7.x.
I found that:-
- You don't need the SAFOptioArray.
- The Names of the Radio Buttons must conform to a pattern that the kernel appears to require.
I was creating a couple of buttons with a "basic name" of cFunction, and I found that I had to use control names of _cFunction_0 _cFunction_1 and _cFunction_2
The Chk event Sub was
Private Sub _cFunction_0_ChkEvent(ByRef ChkStrg As System.String, ByRef RetVal As System.Int16) Handles _cFunction_0.ChkEvent
(Although I ended up with no code in that event, but my vague vague memory is that using that "Sub" caused the event to fire as I wanted. (There was some code in there at one stage - but it vanished during testing.)
Hope that is some help.