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Supply chain | Supply Chain Management, Commerce

Item allocation failed. Location directive failure for work order type Transfer issue does not allow work creation without location (Pick).

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I am experiencing the item allocation failure error when I am processing the wave for some of the items

I encounter this issue when I release a transfer order to the warehouse and process the wave for work creation

However, when I unchecked the "Stop work on location directive failures" on the location directive failures page for Transfer issue, Transfer receipt, and Inventory movement, I no longer have this issue.

Could you please tell me what the root cause of this issue is, and if there will be any negative impact if I uncheck the "Stop work on location directive failures" for the Transfer issue, Transfer receipt, and Inventory movement in the location directive failures page?

  • Navid Noori Profile Picture
    Navid Noori 50 on at
    RE: Item allocation failed. Location directive failure for work order type Transfer issue does not allow work creation without location (Pick).

    Hi Laurens van der Tang ,

    Thanks for your response.

    My stock is located in the SELL location, how can I determine if it is a 'non-picking' location?

  • Navid Noori Profile Picture
    Navid Noori 50 on at
    RE: Item allocation failed. Location directive failure for work order type Transfer issue does not allow work creation without location (Pick).

    Hi Danny Bilodeau,

    Thanks for your response.

    The issue was with the location direction query

  • RE: Item allocation failed. Location directive failure for work order type Transfer issue does not allow work creation without location (Pick).

    Hi Navid, can you check where you stock is located? I think you stock is on a 'non-picking' location. If the stock is for example on an inbound location, the system can make a reservation and even create the work, however, the pick location stays empty.

  • Suggested answer
    Danny Bilodeau Profile Picture
    Danny Bilodeau 4,335 Moderator on at
    RE: Item allocation failed. Location directive failure for work order type Transfer issue does not allow work creation without location (Pick).

    Hello Navid,

    The system is using the Location Directives to find a location from which to pick the item.  So somewhere you have a condition or a restriction that make the systiem ignore the location where the item is currently stocked.  You will need to systematically look at your location directives just like the system does; . You should find out why it ignore the location where your item is stocked:

    - Filter the Transfer Issue location directives to only those in warehouse 3  

    - Filter to only keep the <Pick> work type

    - Ignore any Location Directive with a Directive Code or that is for Multi-Sku

    - Ignore the Location directives for which the conditions on the header query are not met

    -On the highest sequence of remaining Loc Dir (repeat for each in the sequence) :

    • Look at the Lines (min and max qty, unit of measure, allow split, etc) in sequence
    • Look at the Loc Dir Action for each line (batch enabled?  Strategy?)
    • Consider adding Loc Dir Action with alternative strategy (if first line had License plate guided, add second line with <None>)
    • Consider adding Loc Dir Action with alternative Bacth enabled (if relevant to your business)  
    • For each Loc Dir Action, look at the query to see if the location where item is in stock meets the conditions defined by the query
    • If Loc Dir Actions for teh first line fail, go to the second in sequence

  • NavidNoori Profile Picture
    NavidNoori 113 on at
    RE: Item allocation failed. Location directive failure for work order type Transfer issue does not allow work creation without location (Pick).

    Hi Danny Bilodeau,

    Thanks for your response.

    I am facing this issue only with some of the items at some of the warehouses

    for example, if I create a transfer order from warehouse 3 for item 00033, I encounter the item allocation failure, but when I create a transfer order from warehouse 4, I don't encounter any problems.

    Warehouse 3 and warehouse 4 location directives are the same

  • Verified answer
    Danny Bilodeau Profile Picture
    Danny Bilodeau 4,335 Moderator on at
    RE: Item allocation failed. Location directive failure for work order type Transfer issue does not allow work creation without location (Pick).

    Hello navid,

    Your issue is with your location diretcives from Transfer Issue.  When the system tries to create work using the location directives, it cannot find any locations that meets the conditions of your Location directives.  When you remove the 'Stop work' it will create work but the 'Pick' action will not identify a location because the system could not find an appropriate location. What woudl be interesting to know is which location is empty when wprk is created (the pick or teh put line?). 

    Its completly normal for the work creation history log to show 'Failures'.  When the system creates work, it goes through the location directives in sequence until it find one that succeeds.  In your case, it looks like the 'Pick' work line successded and wondering whether it might be the put work line that failed. 


  • Navid Noori Profile Picture
    Navid Noori 50 on at
    RE: Item allocation failed

    Work creation log:   

    Location directive action LP Guided failed because no license plate was found.

    Item allocation failed. Location directive failure for work order type Transfer issue does not allow work creation without location (Pick).


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