I wanted to create a button that opens schedule board. I usually do this using the xrm open entity scripr but I cannot find the schedule board entity there's only schedule board setting
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I wanted to create a button that opens schedule board. I usually do this using the xrm open entity scripr but I cannot find the schedule board entity there's only schedule board setting
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That's because you have to replace the domain with your domain information.
I've researched your question as it is very interesting and usually there is a quick resolution. I agree with Marjorie's solution, but I've also found something that also might help a little.... I particular like the fact that you can still use the book button https://blogs.msdn.microsoft.com/crm/2017/07/14/dynamically-build-your-schedule-assistant-search-by-changing-the-url/
I believe what Aric was trying to show you was using the following set up of your link (please forgive me Aric if that was not your intention :) )
https: //[CRM server]/[CRMOrganizationName]/WebResources/msdyn_/fps/ScheduleBoard/ScheduleBoard.html
Per Microsoft blog:
Below is the snapshot of all of the search criteria and how you can modify the values via URL:
I hope this helps a little.
Hi Jane,
I assume that you're referring to the Field Service's Schedule Board.
You can try getting the Schedule Board's URL manually.
Here's how:
1. Log in to CRM
2. Go to your Schedule Board
3. Hit F12 from your keyboard to inspect the page > Inspect/Point to the Schedule Board
4. Get the 'src' from the crmContentPanel from the HTML. See image for reference.
Use te URL for your button.
Hope this helps! :)
Hi Aric I tried the URl that you gave but it's not working, http error not found :(
Schedule board is not an entity.
You can access it by accessing the Url:
This will only show the Schedule Board though without the CRM navigation bar on top.
Hope this helps...
open the url when clicking the button. URL should be the url when you open the schedule board
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