I would lie to change the 'look up records' option of a sub grid to find containing items in a phrase not the start of the field which is what seems to occur
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Hi Romolo,
In a lookup control you can do this by creating a custom fetchXml/layoutXml view and filtering the results, but you want to do this in the subgrid lookup (per your question).
I don't think that you have any control over that particular lookup because you are unable to attach code to that control.
You can always do what everyone suggested, which was using wildcard to search, but not prefiltering.
Possibly in future versions of Dynamics.
Any ideas?
Thanks everyone.
This is something I want to do in the core lookup so that when users are going to add additional items to this list it is doing a wildcard search automatically, not that they must enter *search term*.
So it will take there user input "Ferrari" and search in an entire string for *ferrari*
Hi Romolo,
You can use asterisk * in your search string.
Hope it helps:)
Hi Romolo,
You can use wild card search to achieve this functionality.
For example, if you need to find all the items containing test, search as *test* . This will return all the items containing the word test.
See the links below for more details.
Hope this helps.
You should be able to use wildcard search BTW, just add * before the keyword
Hi Romolo,
Check if you can achieve this using the addCustomFilter - see here the documentation: docs.microsoft.com/.../addcustomfilter
Additional info: community.dynamics.com/.../more-adventures-in-pre-filtering-customer-lookup-fields-dynamics-crm-dynamics-365-for-enterprise
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