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Fields in grid don't update after a workflow without refreshing in new UI

Posted on by 777

When we select records in a grid, and run a flow on them to update certain fields, in the old legacy web the fields would update automatically with the new value. In the new UI, we have to refresh the page or grid before the new value shows up. Is there a way to fix this? 


  • Suggested answer
    Linn Zaw Win Profile Picture
    Linn Zaw Win 3,405 on at
    RE: Fields in grid don't update after a workflow without refreshing in new UI

    Sorry, there is no code solution to force-refresh the grid view on trigger of the workflow.

    If you are OK with implementing that in JavaScript, you can create a new command bar button to run the workflow of the selected records with JavaScript and refresh the grid with Xrm.Utility.refreshParentGrid in a few seconds delay.

    You can find out more in this blog post

  • Ben T Profile Picture
    Ben T 777 on at
    RE: Fields in grid don't update after a workflow without refreshing in new UI

    it is a realtime CRM workflow that I am running on the records in the grid...also it is not a subgrid but actually a grid view of queue items that we are working with (though I think we have the same issue with subgrids, its just we mostly run the workflows from entity grid views)

    what is the way to add subgrid refresh to a workflow? That would be nice to have a no code solution to this

  • Suggested answer
    Bipin D365 Profile Picture
    Bipin D365 28,964 Super User 2024 Season 1 on at
    RE: Fields in grid don't update after a workflow without refreshing in new UI


    Have you tried converting the workflow from background to real time workflow and see if updated value is getting displayed.

    When you say flow does that mean you have microsoft flow or you are referring to CRM workflow?

    Also, there is now way to add subgrid refresh step in workflow.

    If found helpful, Please mark my answer verified.

  • Linn Zaw Win Profile Picture
    Linn Zaw Win 3,405 on at
    RE: Fields in grid don't update after a workflow without refreshing in new UI

    When a record is updated from the grid, the new window of the child entity callback to the main window to refresh the subgrid.

    But for the workflow, it is an asynchronous process and the main window has no way to know when the workflow process is completed in the background. (there is no callback in the browser)

  • Ben T Profile Picture
    Ben T 777 on at
    RE: Fields in grid don't update after a workflow without refreshing in new UI

    Thank you for your responses. When a record is updated from the grid and saved, it can refresh the whole grid? Is it possible to add a grid refresh as the final step of workflow without writing any code? Or you're saying it needs to be as an On save script for each record - but if we select multiple records at once, would the grid refresh once for every record that gets updated?

  • Suggested answer
    Soumen S Profile Picture
    Soumen S on at
    RE: Fields in grid don't update after a workflow without refreshing in new UI

    Hi Ben,

    The form structure is different in legacy and UCI client. In UCI executing a workflow will not refresh the entire page until you forcefully do it (as suggested by Shyam). Also myou can use the on page refresh icon present in the menu bar to refresh the entire page.



  • RE: Fields in grid don't update after a workflow without refreshing in new UI

    Hello Ben,

    I don't believe the Grid refresh in UCI upon execution of the workflow. You can add an on save script to refresh the grid as a workaround.

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