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Microsoft Dynamics CRM (Archived)

Can you add more items to a Whole Number field (Format: Duration)

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Hi All,

I've noted that if you have a field with a Whole Number (Duration) as the format that it only goes up to 3 days maximum. Does anyone know where I can modify this? Or is it set in stone?

Thanks in advance.


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  • Chris Vine Profile Picture
    Chris Vine on at
    RE: Can you add more items to a Whole Number field (Format: Duration)

    You are 100% right. Doh!

  • Community Member Profile Picture
    Community Member Microsoft Employee on at
    RE: Can you add more items to a Whole Number field (Format: Duration)
    1. Click  on the Add Question from the Design Survey page.
    2. Choose Rating Scale from the Question Type drop-down menu.
    3.  column choices; and the appropriate weights
    4. Underneath the Answer Options box, you will notice optional items you can add to the question: Sort, randomize or flip choices; Require an answer to this question; and Add 'Other' or a comment field.
    5. Tick the checkbox for Add 'Other' or a comment field.
    6. Choose between One comment field for the question to have a single comment box regardless of the number of rows; or One comment field per row to have a comment box paired with each row.
    7. Modify the Field Label.
    8. Configure the Field Size. This makes the comment box smaller or larger.
    9. Set the  if applicable.
  • Chris Vine Profile Picture
    Chris Vine on at
    RE: Can you add more items to a Whole Number field (Format: Duration)

    I tried that and it goes back to 3 days max.

  • Chris Vine Profile Picture
    Chris Vine on at
    RE: Can you add more items to a Whole Number field (Format: Duration)

    Yes, however you can't go any higher than 3 days. As an example I would like to have 1 week etc. but I cannot find anywhere where I can adjust this. A maximum of 3 days is too restrictive.

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