RE: Change Unit Cost in Item Card
it is possible to adjust the unit cost to another value using the Revaluation Journal in Microsoft Dynamics NAV.
Try these steps using the Revaluation Journal:
Create a new Revaluation Journal by going to Departments > Financial Management > Inventory > Periodic Assets > Revaluation Journal.
In the Revaluation Journal window, enter the necessary details such as the Entry Date, Document Date, Location Code and Item Number.
In the Revaluation Journal line, enter the Adjustment Type as "Increase" or "Decrease" depending on the adjustment required.
In the Unit Cost field, enter the desired unit cost for the item.
Enter the required account details in the Account Type, Account Number and Account Name fields.
Post the Revaluation Journal to update the unit cost of the item.
Note that the adjustment made via the Revaluation Journal only affects the unit cost of the specific item and not the total inventory value.