RE: Print Item Comments in Sales Reports
Hi Jenee.
Just do this next:
1º) make a copy of the "Sales - Detailed Sales Report"
2º) Change the name of the copied file by adding "Custom - Jenee - " in the begining of the name of the file
3º) Edit the copied file and add a new column at the end of the file :
Begin Column
FieldName = "TransactionEntry.Comment"
DrillDownFieldName = ""
DrillDownReportName = ""
Title = "Comment"
VBDataType = vbString
Formula = ""
ColHidden = False
ColNotDisplayable = False
FilterDisabled = False
ColWidth = 2000
GroupMethod = groupmethodNone
ColFormat = ""
End Column
4º) restart the HQ / Manager
If you did everything fine, in the reports menu, in the Personalized reports You should be able to see this new personalized report, with a new column of Item comment at the moment of sale...
Kind regards, A.