RE: MR Reports Doubling for 1 user only
I have seen a case in which a user sees duplicated balances on the management reporter, it was a data mart MR installation. I had this solved out by configuring the MR legacy installation and give the user an access on the MR Legacy company (Company-CURR).
Troubleshooting showed that the data was pulled from Dynamics GP database into the data mart. Through data migration, specific data records for specific accounts were pulled twice, which is why the user having access to the data mart have duplicated balances of specific accounts.
To make sure whether your case could be similar in any way, make sure that the user has access to the same MR company (to which the other users have access). Remember, the company name has a suffix of (-CURR) with the MR legacy installation. Meanwhile, there is no suffix with MR data mart installation for the company name.