However, the /Has AccessKey/ is grey and when I press Test Connection following error message:
Please request an access token for this store./
/Shpfy Authentication Mgt./(CodeUnit 30199).GetAccessToken - Shopify Connector by Microsoft
/Shpfy Shop/(Table 30102).GetAccessToken - Shopify Connector by Microsoft
/Shpfy Communication Mgt./(CodeUnit 30103).CreateHttpRequestMessage - Shopify Connector by Microsoft
/Shpfy Communication Mgt./(CodeUnit 30103).ExecuteWebRequest line 13 - Shopify Connector by Microsoft
/Shpfy Communication Mgt./(CodeUnit 30103).ExecuteGraphQL line 10 - Shopify Connector by Microsoft
/Shpfy Communication Mgt./(CodeUnit 30103).ExecuteGraphQL line 4 - Shopify Connector by Microsoft
/Shpfy Communication Mgt./(CodeUnit 30103).ExecuteGraphQL line 2 - Shopify Connector by Microsoft
/Shpfy Shop/(Table 30102).TestConnection line 5 - Shopify Connector by Microsoft
/Shpfy Shop Card/(Page 30101)./TestConnection - OnAction/(Trigger) line 2 - Shopify Connector by Microsoft/