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Business Central forum

Mail requisitioner when Invoice is received against Purchase order

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We are going to implement BC dynamics and the process is hereunder.
1) Purchase Order (PO) is created in BC by the requisitioner (not from the finance department), which goes through the approval process (using workflow) and the released PO is automatically sent to the vendor.
2) The invoice against the sent PO is sent by the vendor and is received in BC (using Continia).
3) for the invoice to be paid there has to be a 3 way match (PO against Invoice against Receipt).
4) The receipt on the PO is done by the requisitioner.
Now the problem is that, the requisitioner does not know when the invoice has arrived in BC and thus do reciting by logging into Business Central.
Because of this, the invoices will get clogged in the system without payments.
It is not humanely possible for the finance team to keep calling requisitioners to do reciepting. (we are talking about more than 30 invoices on an average a day)
Is there an automated system where 1) requisitioners are notified that invoices have been received against PO that they created, so that they can go in an receipt the PO.
2) Report that shows the PO and Invoice details which have not been receipted.
Please advice.
  • Verified answer
    Valentin Castravet Profile Picture
    Valentin Castravet 21,674 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    Mail requisitioner when Invoice is received against Purchase order
    Question - why are the requisitioner's doing the receipting at the same time as when the invoice is received by email? Is it the case that the goods are received at the same exact time the invoice is received? If the invoice is being received by email, is there not a timing difference between goods being received vs. the invoice? If there is a timing difference, why is the receipt not being done when the goods are actually received, and the invoice posted when its received by email. In this case the invoice or payment would not have to wait for receiving the goods.
    To answer your questions:
    1. There is nothing in the system that does that. But it could be created with a custom processing report created by a developer or with Power Automate.
    Also, if you don't want to do anything custom - the vendors email the invoices, so the requisitioner's could also have access to this email account and manually check if an invoice for their purchase order was received. Its pretty manual, but better than nothing. 
    2.  You could use the Purchase Lines Page. Filter the Document Type field for Order, and then look at the Quantity vs Outstanding Quantity field. Anything in the Outstanding Quantity field implies the item was not received. 
    If you're looking for a report, then the Purchase Order Status works:
    Valentin Castravet
    Zander ERP Services

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