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Records not visible on a view

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Hi all,

We recently found out that a System View that was created as part of a dashboard is not showing all the records for users. 

The dashboard has 5 or 6 views connected to the one section, all of which are a custom record that all of these users have full access to.  However, when an admin looks at the view, instead of showing 5 records, it is showing 60 records.  This is not happening for any of the other views on the dashboard that use the same records.

I've checked security role access and the users have all access to the record.  The filter for the view is in the screen shot below (hopefully not too blurry), but I wouldn't think it would be about the filter if the admin can see all the required records.

Any thoughts appreciated,


  • Tarjani_ec Profile Picture
    Tarjani_ec 75 on at
    RE: Records not visible on a view

    Hi Wahaj,

    Thanks for you reply!  In the end the issue was a combination between the security and the view.

    One of the fields in the criteria for the view had field level security on it.  We had been looking at security roles on records, but didn't consider field level security.  Once this security was removed - as it really wasn't necessary - the records appeared in the view for the other users.

    Appreciate your thoughts above,


  • Verified answer
    gisiquei Profile Picture
    gisiquei on at
    RE: Records not visible on a view

    Hi there, I would try to get one or two affected users and ask them to run this same view in advanced find.

    Also, I would check if they have fulll privileges to see that entity and if eventually the records has some fields with field security enabled.

  • Suggested answer
    Wahaj Rashid Profile Picture
    Wahaj Rashid 11,321 on at
    RE: Records not visible on a view


    When you say Users have full rights, does it mean they have full rights across all Business Units?

    It is possible, some of the records are assigned to a team or user which is not in scope of current Business Unit.

    If security configuration seems to be fine, try to look at the records not available for normal users (but Admin). Try to figure out what's different and who is the owner.

    Also you can first simply try to find/open the records not available in the view with a normal user (this will give you an idea if it is related to security configuration or view filters).

    As per my understanding, this is not related to Views.

    Let me know your findings.



    (if it helps, mark it verified)

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