I am using Microsoft Dynamics POS in India. I am facing date format related issue while trying to view reports in Dynamics POS.
I am using Windows 7 OS. In my system date time format set is English(India). I went to Control Panel>Region and Language. There I could see my date format is set as English(India).
Now when I click on report for "Daily Sales By Category" in POS, it shows 0 values. This is because when I say date as 06/05/2014(6th May 2014), it is actually taking date as 5th June 2014. And if I change my date to 29/05/2014, it shows error: The conversion of nvarchar data type to a datetime data type resulted in an out-of-range value.
Here if I change my DateTime format to English(United States), then reports work fine. But I can't tell my client to change DateTime format when they need to view reports. Can somebody help me out to fix this issue?
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