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Blanket Purchase Order and Requisition Worksheet

Posted on by 33


Is there a way that when planning the supply with the requisition worksheet, the system would take into consideration if I have Blanket Purchase Orders?


  • Jun Wang Profile Picture
    Jun Wang 6,881 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    RE: Blanket Purchase Order and Requisition Worksheet

    In NAV, Sales Blanket Orders can be used for planning purposes, such as forecasting demand and ensuring product availability for the agreed-upon deliveries.

    On the other hand, Purchase Blanket Orders are used for managing long-term agreements with suppliers. However, Purchase Blanket Orders in NAV do not have the same level of integration with the planning and component management functionalities as Sales Blanket Orders.

    The reason behind this difference in functionality is that the planning of components for production or assembly typically depends on the sales demand and forecasted requirements.

    Therefore, the planning system primarily focuses on the sales side of the business. Purchase Blanket Orders, while useful for managing supplier agreements, do not directly impact the sales demand or planning of components.

  • Glenn Wicks Profile Picture
    Glenn Wicks 5 on at
    RE: Blanket Purchase Order and Requisition Worksheet

    I am looking for the planning worksheet to identify those parts that do have a blanket Purchase setup against them so that I can differentiate between those that do and those that need discreet purchase orders. It shows the fields for Blanket Order and line number and doesn't populate them. Does this require a customisation or a patch correction? Using Nav2016

  • RE: Blanket Purchase Order and Requisition Worksheet

    Thanks for the quick reply, yes that is what I'd like to have.

    Best regards


  • Suggested answer
    Inge M. Bruvik Profile Picture
    Inge M. Bruvik 32,744 Moderator on at
    RE: Blanket Purchase Order and Requisition Worksheet

    It is not possible because the blanket order is not an actual purchase order.

    Is what you want to have the system create a purchase order on the basis of a blanket order when the requisition worksheet tells you you need to place an purchase order?

  • RE: Blanket Purchase Order and Requisition Worksheet

    I have just asked exactly the same question...I hope that is possible, but probably a customisation is necessary.

  • Jacynthe Profile Picture
    Jacynthe 33 on at
    RE: Blanket Purchase Order and Requisition Worksheet

    What I meant is if I have released blanket purchase orders, I would like that, when planning the supply with the requistion worksheet, the system would take into consideration that I will be creating POs from those blanket POs so this would reduce the number of POs that the system would reccomend.

    I am not even sure if it's possible, I am just asking to see if it's an option.

  • Suggested answer
    Olister Rumao Profile Picture
    Olister Rumao 3,957 on at
    RE: Blanket Purchase Order and Requisition Worksheet


    Requisition Worksheet is basically used for Procurement process with the actual Purchase Orders. Whereas Blanket Purchase Order is used for a fixed Price over a long period of time.

    From Blanket Purchase Order, you can create a Purchase Order but not other way round.

    I don't understand your business process as to why you would use Requisition and Blanket Order at the same time.

    For more information on Requisition Worksheet refer

    I think you can achieve what you want with a fairly decent amount of customization.

    Let me know if you need any help.

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