When I look at a list of enabled users for several environments, I see a user record for svcM365Collab@XXXXXXXXX.onmicrosoft.com that has read-write access, an enterprise license and is assigned the 'System Admin' security role. This account is not part of the security group for any of the environments, nor is the account in Microsoft Entry. Additionally, I cannot find an entry for this account on https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/power-platform/admin/system-application-users. Can one provide information about what functionality this account uses this account?
svcM365Collab User Account In Several Environments
Typically Microsoft adds users as "application users", and they show on the list of "system application users" that you've alredy queried. Also, they usually have a different domain name and nomenclature and don't require a license
This svcM365Collab seems more like a custom account, specially if it has a license associated. Also, you should leverage the EntraID in Azure to search for it either in the Users part or on the applications
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