haw to sync Dynamics 365 Appointments with outlook 365
haw to sync Dynamics 365 Appointments with outlook 365
I am experiencing a similar issue but nothing appears to fix the issue. We have all these items set and have used this in the past but none of our emails, appointments, or tasks are syncing unless we start by tracking using the App for Outlook first. We would like to manage Leads and from within CRM managers would like to monitor the activities and appointments of their direct reports but it just doesn't sync over. None of the above works and was already set in place. Anything thoughts?
Hi Emad,
Step 1. In the System Settings, select default synchronization method for Appointments, Contacts, and Tasks to Serve-Side Synchronization.
Step 2. Test the mailbox, Appointments, Contacts, and Tasks needs to be successful.
Then the D365 Appointments will be sync to Outlook automatically.
You can set the sync filters and sync fields of appointments in your personal settings.
has been deprecated and is no longer available.
Thank you for your query.
You can enable Appointments Sync. with following steps:
For more details see following links:
(if this helps, please mark this answer as verified)
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