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Supply chain | Supply Chain Management, Commerce
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Rate route workbench - Transportation management

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I have configured the rate route for a specific route. The system is calculating the rate correctly based on the miles and the rate assigned.
However, after the outbound confirm shipment when I check the charges on the sales order the system shows 2 lines of the charges and it doesn't match with the charges showed on the rate route.
Kindly help.
Thank you
  • Hana Xue Profile Picture
    Hana Xue Microsoft Employee on at
    Rate route workbench - Transportation management
  • Rate route workbench - Transportation management
    Hi I am attaching screenshot for a reference.
    1. I have created 2 sales order and have attached in one load which is already shipped. The process which I did was, selected both the sales order in one new load. Clicked on Rating and routing tab. Select the route with rate option which I have already configured.
    2. System is showing me the correct rate with route which is configured
    3. Rate route workbench with rate calculated
    4. But when I check on sales order, the charges are not calculated correctly. It should show as 2400 & 2100
    Why am I seeing 2 charges and not one?
    Could you please help.
    Thank you
  • Suggested answer
    Kevin Xia Profile Picture
    Kevin Xia Microsoft Employee on at
    Rate route workbench - Transportation management
    Notice that you sent two identical threads, you need to delete one thread to avoid making other advisors and users confused, we will discuss your problem in this thread. Can you provide more information (such as screenshots or system Settings) to help us better solve the problem? The information you have provided so far is not enough to support us to propose a solution.
    Best regards,

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