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Avoid cross contamination in manufacturing process in D365

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Hello everyone,

I have a requirement for one of our client which involved some constraints in production planning and execution.

 Assume that you have 4 items Item A,B,C and D.

The condition is,

  • You can manufacture item B after item A. But not immediately after manufacturing item C or D.
  • You can manufacture item C after item B. But not immediately after manufacturing item A or D.
  • You can manufacture item D after item C. But not immediately after manufacturing item A or B.


This is to avoid cross contamination in the manufacturing process (needs line cleaning). The system should also warn or throw an error if I am not following this rules while scheduling or manufacturing.


I am just trying to understand if any one has gone through similar requirement and how this addressed.

  • Suggested answer
    Mehdi AMRANI Profile Picture
    Mehdi AMRANI 1,422 on at
    RE: Avoid cross contamination in manufacturing process in D365


    We have faced exactly the same for a client, we dug a lot in this way and didn't found a standard way to solve it. We managed to create table related to the item to list the items that can't be prior to this item. then we added a table that hold the last item manufactured and the production unit. After that the logic is simple when the system try to Start a production order it first check in the table the last item produced with the list in the item. if it find a result it blocks the process with an explicit message.



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