Whenever i am trying to Release a Sales/Purchase order the system crashes. The same occurs when trying to Make Order from a Sales Quote. I have removed all extensions to check if there was a conflicting one, but the crashes still occurs.
Business Central update to 23.0.12034.12676 crashes
Hi. Has anyone found fix for that? BC is on version 23.1.13431.13546 cloud. It crashes with the following message as soon as you try to release Sales or Purchase document. Invoice/Credit anything :
Something went wrong.
An error has occurred
Date and time: Thu, 23 Nov 2023 12:36:53 GMT
Microsoft Entra tenant: c06d1444-3e08-49f3-aa23-f65a568719de
Environment: Sandbox2
Operation: 5cb46e4e1f7f41d78280218b3a13f005
This is what I can find in the Telemetry:
ErrorCode:NullReference:TargetInvocation Connection type:WebClient Message: StackTrace: "Release Sales Document"(CodeUnit 414).OnAfterReleaseSalesDoc(Event) line 2 - Base Application by Microsoft "Release Sales Document"(CodeUnit 414).Code line 96 - Base Application by Microsoft "Release Sales Document"(CodeUnit 414).OnRun(Trigger) line 6 - Base Application by Microsoft "Release Sales Document"(CodeUnit 414).PerformManualCheckAndRelease line 28 - Base Application by Microsoft "Release Sales Document"(CodeUnit 414).PerformManualRelease line 12 - Base Application by Microsoft "Sales Manual Release"(CodeUnit 4140).OnRun(Trigger) line 4 - Base Application by Microsoft "Batch Processing Mgt."(CodeUnit 1380).BatchProcess line 17 - Base Application by Microsoft "Sales Header"(Table 36).PerformManualRelease line 9 - Base Application by Microsoft "Sales Invoice List"(Page 9301)."Re&lease - OnAction"(Trigger) line 5 - Base Application by Microsoft
Business Central update to 23.0.12034.12676 crashes
Hi Sir,
I cannot reproduce your issue on my demo environment. Please troubleshoot the issue with Business Central so that you can gather more detailed error messages about it, you can follow the below Microsoft Document:
If that does not lead anywhere you can have your CSP Partner raise a support ticket with Microsoft around this.
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