Hi everyone,
I have created an action on my card page that lauch the report
No problem...
But i try to autofill the field "code article" with the value from the main card page...
And i dont see how to do it...
My code in my main page
// Add the action called "TDS PRINT" to the action menu area(Processing) { action("TDS PRINT") { Promoted = true; PromotedCategory = Process; ApplicationArea = All; Image = Print; RunObject = report TDS; } }
And the code on report page
report 95120 TDS { DefaultRenderingLayout = "TDS-SO-FR"; dataset { dataitem(TDS; TDS) { RequestFilterFields = "Code article"; column(Acidite; Acidite) { } column(Bio; Bio) ...
Also, is it possible to add a second action ( next to "TDS print" action ) to save locally the report in pdf but with a custom filename ?
Thanks in advance for your help.