Using Dynamics Nav 2015
In Object designer I have created a XMLport to import Items.
When I run it from Object Designer an error occours ...String lenght is 148 but it has to be shorter or equal to 20...
Property Value
Name ItemImport
Caption <ItemImport>
CaptionML <Undefined>
Direction Import
DefaultFieldsValidation <Yes>
TextEncoding UTF-8
Format/Evaluate <C/SIDE Format/Evaluate>
Format Variable Text
FileName <Undefined>
FieldDelimiter <">
FieldSeparator <,>
RecordSeparator <<NewLine>>
TableSeparator <<NewLine><NewLine>>
UseRequestPage <Yes>
TransactionType <UpdateNoLocks>
Permissions <Undefined>
PreserveWhiteSpace <No>
Unbound <No>
Property Value
Indentation 2
NodeName Description
NodeType Element
SourceType Field
SourceField Item::Description
FieldValidate <Undefined>
AutoCalcField <Yes>
Width 50
MinOccurs <Once>
MaxOccurs <Once>
Unbound <No>
Any help will be appreciated.
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