RE: Updating Test Environment
Hello Rosemary,
As mentioned on here, if setting up a test environment of Dynamics GP, you'd want to move a copy of the company database(s) as well as the DYNAMICS/system database for GP over to the test environment, then go through KB 878449 to move the login information over to the new SQL Server as well, otherwise on the test environment, only SA would be able to login to Dynamics GP successfully.
Also, we frequently see that on the test system, you need to logon as SA into Dynamics GP and reset the user's password within the GP application to get the encryption to work and allow the users to login successfully as well. Unfortunately, there isn't any way to do this process in mass.
The errors you're getting make we wonder if you're not dong more or if you don't have something else in play as you're getting messages about the DB_Upgrade and 'Failed Upgrading Table'.
Looking at support cases we've had referring to this error and the 'Error message 35100 doesn't exist', we've seen this point to using a 64-bit ODBC instead of a 32-bit which is required for use with any version of Dynamics GP, as per KB 870416.
We've also seen this caused by the DYNAMICS system database not having all the tables in it, that it should, and various causes like that.
I'd say make sure you're using a 32-bit ODBC, and then if so, run the following scripts and return the results:
1. Select INTERID, * from DYNAMICS..SY01500
2. Select * from DYNAMICS..DB_Upgrade where PRODID = 0
3. Select * from DYNAMICS..DU000020 order by companyID