i tried to use this to filter the email that was sent within the date from validfrom to validto and this is not working.
var filter = "?$filter=field_InitialEmailSentOn'" + sentOn + "' and field_ValidFrom ge datetime'" + validfrom + "' and field_ValidTo le datetime'" + validto + "'";
And the sentOn that was an array and the data like this
how to convert the this date time to string? because the validfrom and validto is already converted to string using this
var date = new Date(parseInt(validfrom.replace("/Date(", "").replace(")/", ""), 10));
date = date.toISOString();
return date;
var date = new Date(parseInt(validto.replace("/Date(", "").replace(")/", ""), 10));
date = date.toISOString();
return date;
how to convert the value of sentOn to date and time string? that was from an array?
thanks for the help
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