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Subcontracting (One stock items + charges = New stock item) (Raw parts -> Painted parts)

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Hello Everyone,
I am sure someone has been in this situation before, and have found a possible way of handling this.
We are buying unfinished(raw) machined aluminum parts and are stocking these, until we know which color they have to be painted.
Parts are then sent to the painter and comes back as a finished painted part for further manufacturing (building into full products)
We would like the charges for painting the items to be added to the price of the raw part, and put on a seperate item number (variant). Let assume the raw part costs 100 EUR and the paint costs 20 EUR
Item number: 123456, Description: Aluminum plate raw, 100 EUR
Item number: 123456-Silver, Description: Aluminum plate silver, 120 EUR
We have probably 60 different items, and 3-4 colors for all of these items.
The cost for paiting each item is different as the sizes differ as well.
What would be the best and simplest way to do and handle all of this? Is it possible and feasible to do with subcontract manufacturing? Is there a way of doing it simply with purchase orders where you minus the original raw item etc?
How has it been done in your company, and is there anything you would have done differently if you could redo it now?
  • Suggested answer
    YUN ZHU Profile Picture
    YUN ZHU 75,595 Super User 2024 Season 2 on at
    Subcontracting (One stock items + charges = New stock item) (Raw parts -> Painted parts)
    Hi, I think the easiest way is to use Assembly Orders instead of production modules. Because you need to change the Item Number, you cannot directly use Item Charge or item revaluation to do it. For example, Item number: 123456 + Silver paint = Item number: 123456-Silver
    Assembly Management (Kitting) without the need of manufacturing functionality
    Hope this can give you some hints.

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