Hi. My extension besides some reports includes a table and a page for the users to enter some data. I was able to publish an initial version to Production, enter some data, uploaded a second version and saw the data was still there. Now, I thought that by uploading a second version this was going to replace the first one but when I went to installed extension there were the two versions, none of them were installed. So, I unpublished the first one and installed the second one and now my data is gone and I'm afraid this will happen any time I upload a new version. Our vendor has its own extension and in the installed extension page only shows once, and when looking at the installation status page I can see a long list of all their previous versions, so can anybody help explaining what is the best way to manage extension updates? Every time I upload a new version should I delete the previous one? or is there a way to indicate I want to replace the previous one? and more importantly, what should I do to not loss the data entered in a previous version? Any help will be appreciated!