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Microsoft Dynamics GP (Archived)

Navigation Lists Very Slow

Posted on by 985

We recently upgraded from 2015R2 to 2018R2. I created and activated a simple Sales Order workflow to handle credit limit exceeded situations. We now notice that Sales Order Transaction Navigation Lists have become EXTREMLY slow to load, on the order of 20-60 seconds for a simple list of open orders in the last 60 days (The corresponding Smartlist opens in less than a second). Additionally, I tried to add a column to the Navigation List for Workflow status but the column comes up with no data in it (Workflow Submitter or Approver columns work fine) . This was also observed in GP2015R2 also. I think it is trying to reference data from the old Workflow 1.0 tables ?? Can anyone verify these issues??

*This post is locked for comments

  • Burley Profile Picture
    Burley 18 on at
    RE: Navigation Lists Very Slow

    Has anyone figured out the cause of this or a fix? I'm noticing the same thing with the Purchase Order navigation list when Workflow for requisitions is used.

  • gdetrich Profile Picture
    gdetrich 5 on at
    RE: Navigation Lists Very Slow

    Hi Joe -

    I am experiencing similar issues to what you describe above.  Did you ever determine the specific cause and a fix?

    Thanks much!


  • Joe Powers Profile Picture
    Joe Powers 985 on at
    RE: Navigation Lists Very Slow

    There are only 4200 records in WFI10002. This problem did not start until upgrading to 2018R2, so something happened there. I just applied the latest Hotfix update but that did not help. I have read thru both of the supplied links prior to today and did not see anything that applies. The server FAR exceeds the system requirements and as I said these lists had no problems prior to the upgrade. The lists are slow when running directly on the server also. Here is the stored procedure you asked about:

    USE [KHGP]


    /****** Object:  StoredProcedure [dbo].[wfGetNavListFields]    Script Date: 3/6/2019 10:07:05 AM ******/





    ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[wfGetNavListFields]  @WorkflowInstanceID char(37),  @Workflow_User char(85),  @Workflow_Type_Name char(51),  @WfBusObjKey char(201),  @Workflow_Name char(51) OUTPUT,  @WorkflowStepInstanceID char(37) OUTPUT,  @Workflow_Step_Type smallint OUTPUT,  @Workflow_Due_Date datetime OUTPUT,   @Workflow_Due_Time datetime OUTPUT,  @Workflow_Approver char(85) OUTPUT,  @Workflow_Originator char(85) OUTPUT,  @Workflow_Error int OUTPUT  AS  BEGIN SET NOCOUNT ON   declare @number_of_assignees int  declare @is_user_assigned_task tinyint  declare @WorkflowTaskAssignedTo char(85)  declare @Workflow_Step_Name char(51)  declare @Workflow_Status smallint   select @WorkflowInstanceID=UPPER(@WorkflowInstanceID)  select @Workflow_User=UPPER(@Workflow_User)  select @Workflow_Status=Workflow_Status, @Workflow_Name=Workflow_Name,   @Workflow_Originator=Workflow_Originator from WFI10002 where UPPER(WorkflowInstanceID)=@WorkflowInstanceID  select @Workflow_Error=0   create table #doc_steps_table  (Workflow_User char(85), WorkflowInstanceID char(37),  WorkflowStepInstanceID char(37), Workflow_Step_Type smallint,  Workflow_Name char(51), Workflow_Step_Name char(51),  WF_Step_Predecessor char(51), Workflow_Step_Sequence int,  Workflow_Task_Assigned tinyint, Number_of_Assignees int,   Workflow_Due_Date datetime, Workflow_Due_Time datetime,  WorkflowTaskAssignedTo char(85), Workflow_Type_Name char(51),   Workflow_Originator char(85), WfBusObjKey char(201))   if @Workflow_Status in (5,6,7)  begin  select @Workflow_Name=isnull(@Workflow_Name,''),   @WorkflowStepInstanceID=isnull(@WorkflowStepInstanceID,''),  @Workflow_Due_Date=isnull(@Workflow_Due_Date,''),   @Workflow_Due_Time=isnull(@Workflow_Due_Time,''),  @Workflow_Approver=isnull(@WorkflowTaskAssignedTo,''),  @Workflow_Originator=isnull(@Workflow_Originator,'')   end  else  begin  insert into #doc_steps_table   select @Workflow_User as Workflow_User,  @WorkflowInstanceID as WorkflowInstanceID,  a.WorkflowStepInstanceID as WorkflowStepInstanceID,  a.Workflow_Step_Type as Workflow_Step_Type,  a.Workflow_Name as Workflow_Name,  a.Workflow_Step_Name as Workflow_Step_Name,  a.WF_Step_Predecessor as WF_Step_Predecessor,   a.Workflow_Step_Sequence as Workflow_Step_Sequence,  0 as Workflow_Task_Assigned, 0 as Number_of_Assignees,  '' as Workflow_Due_Date, '' as Workflow_Due_Time, '' as WorkflowTaskAssignedTo,  @Workflow_Type_Name as Workflow_Type_Name,   b.Workflow_Originator, @WfBusObjKey as WfBusObjKey  from WFI10003 a,  WFI10002 b  where a.WorkflowInstanceID=b.WorkflowInstanceID and   a.WorkflowInstanceID=@WorkflowInstanceID and a.Workflow_Step_Status=2   declare DOC_STEPS cursor local fast_forward  for  select Workflow_User, WorkflowStepInstanceID, Workflow_Step_Name from #doc_steps_table  open DOC_STEPS  fetch next from DOC_STEPS into @Workflow_User, @WorkflowStepInstanceID, @Workflow_Step_Name  while @@FETCH_STATUS=0  begin  select @is_user_assigned_task=0  select @number_of_assignees=COUNT(WorkflowStepInstanceID) from WFI10004   where WorkflowStepInstanceID=@WorkflowStepInstanceID and Workflow_Action_Date=''   if (select COUNT(WorkflowStepInstanceID) from WFI10004   where WorkflowStepInstanceID=@WorkflowStepInstanceID and Workflow_Action_Date=''  and UPPER(WorkflowTaskAssignedTo)=@Workflow_User)>0  begin  select @is_user_assigned_task=1  end   if @number_of_assignees>0  begin  if @number_of_assignees=1  begin  select top 1 @Workflow_Due_Date=Workflow_Due_Date,@Workflow_Due_Time=Workflow_Due_Time,  @WorkflowTaskAssignedTo=WorkflowTaskAssignedTo from WFI10004  where WorkflowStepInstanceID=@WorkflowStepInstanceID  end  else  begin  select top 1 @Workflow_Due_Date=Workflow_Due_Date,@Workflow_Due_Time=Workflow_Due_Time  from WFI10004  where WorkflowStepInstanceID=@WorkflowStepInstanceID   select @WorkflowTaskAssignedTo='Multiple Users'  end  update #doc_steps_table set Workflow_Task_Assigned=@is_user_assigned_task, Number_of_Assignees=@number_of_assignees,  Workflow_Due_Date=@Workflow_Due_Date, Workflow_Due_Time=@Workflow_Due_Time,  WorkflowTaskAssignedTo=@WorkflowTaskAssignedTo  where UPPER(Workflow_User)=@Workflow_User and WorkflowStepInstanceID=@WorkflowStepInstanceID  end  else  begin  update #doc_steps_table set Workflow_Task_Assigned=@is_user_assigned_task, Number_of_Assignees=@number_of_assignees  where UPPER(Workflow_User)=@Workflow_User and WorkflowStepInstanceID=@WorkflowStepInstanceID  end   fetch next from DOC_STEPS into @Workflow_User, @WorkflowStepInstanceID, @Workflow_Step_Name  end  close DOC_STEPS  deallocate DOC_STEPS   select top 1 @Workflow_Name=isnull(Workflow_Name,''),   @WorkflowStepInstanceID=isnull(WorkflowStepInstanceID,''),  @Workflow_Step_Type=ISNULL(Workflow_Step_Type,0),  @Workflow_Due_Date=isnull(Workflow_Due_Date,''),   @Workflow_Due_Time=isnull(Workflow_Due_Time,''),  @Workflow_Approver=isnull(WorkflowTaskAssignedTo,''),  @Workflow_Originator=isnull(Workflow_Originator,'')   from #doc_steps_table   order by Workflow_User, Workflow_Task_Assigned desc, Workflow_Due_Date, Workflow_Due_Time,  WF_Step_Predecessor, Workflow_Step_Sequence  end  if object_id('tempdb..#doc_steps_table') is not null drop table #doc_steps_table END  


    Is there anyone out there running 2018R2 and using workflow that sees the same issue after upgrade ?

  • RE: Navigation Lists Very Slow

    If it is just repeating the above over and over and over again, over a longer period of time, then you'd need to look at the tables being called and what the stored procedures are doing.

    For example, it is looking in the WFI10002 table for a specific record. How many records are in this table that it would need to filter through to find the records it is looking for?

    It also appears to be using the wfGetNavListFields stored procedure, so you'd need to look at what is being done/called by this procedure as well.

    If the navigation lists do eventually load/show and there isn't any error, then it's mainly just a matter of how long SQL is taking to process the scripts being run by Dynamics GP.

    A good start would be the System Requirements for Dynamics GP, specifically the amount of available RAM and CPUs we recommend, keeping in mind these requirements are MINIMUMS, you'll most likely need more than the minimum requirements.

    The Dynamics GP performance white paper is also a good start, which you can find here:


  • Joe Powers Profile Picture
    Joe Powers 985 on at
    RE: Navigation Lists Very Slow

    I have run a DEXSQL.log and there does not appear to be one single very long running script but many runs of these statements with changing ORDER or INVOICE numbers:

    /*  Date: 02/27/2019  Time: 8:33:18


    { CALL ##zDP_1625732S_1 ( '2019.01.29', 2, 11, 'ORD42885', '7062786339' ) }


    /*  Date: 02/27/2019  Time: 8:33:18

    SQLSTATE:(01000) Native Err:(5701) stmt(0):*/

    [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Changed database context to 'master'.*/


    /*  Date: 02/27/2019  Time: 8:33:18

    SQLSTATE:(01000) Native Err:(5703) stmt(0):*/

    [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Changed language setting to us_english.*/


    /*  Date: 02/27/2019  Time: 8:33:18

    SQLSTATE:(00000) Native Err:(5703) stmt(0):*/



    /*  Date: 02/27/2019  Time: 8:33:18

    SQLSTATE:(00000) Native Err:(5703) status(0):*/


    /*  Date: 02/27/2019  Time: 8:33:18











    /*  Date: 02/27/2019  Time: 8:33:18


    use KHGP


    /*  Date: 02/27/2019  Time: 8:33:18

    SQLSTATE:(01000) Native Err:(5701) stmt(50802016):*/

    [Microsoft][SQL Server Native Client 11.0][SQL Server]Changed database context to 'KHGP'.*/


    /*  Date: 02/27/2019  Time: 8:33:18

    SQLSTATE:(00000) Native Err:(5701) stmt(50802016):*/



    /*  Date: 02/27/2019  Time: 8:33:18

    SQLSTATE:(00000) Native Err:(5701) status(0):*/


    /*  Date: 02/27/2019  Time: 8:33:18


    select top 1 WorkflowInstanceID from WFI10002 where Workflow_Type_Name='Sales Transaction Approval' and WfBusObjKey='ORD42885~2'

    /*  Date: 02/27/2019  Time: 8:33:18*/

    Prepared stmt(50812520):


    *  Date: 02/27/2019  Time: 8:33:18


    select top 1 WorkflowInstanceID from WFI10002 where Workflow_Type_Name='Sales Transaction Approval' and WfBusObjKey='ORD42887~2'

    /*  Date: 02/27/2019  Time: 8:33:18


    BEGIN DECLARE @stored_proc_name char(27) DECLARE @retstat int DECLARE @param5 char(51) DECLARE @param6 char(37) DECLARE @param7 smallint DECLARE @param8 datetime DECLARE @param9 datetime DECLARE @param10 char(238) DECLARE @param11 char(238) DECLARE @param12 int set nocount on SELECT @param5 = '' SELECT @param6 = '' SELECT @param7 = 0 SELECT @param8 = '1900.01.01' SELECT @param9 = '00:00:00' SELECT @param10 = '' SELECT @param11 = '' SELECT @stored_proc_name = 'KHGP.dbo.wfGetNavListFields' EXEC @retstat = @stored_proc_name '0B64B3AB-67DA-426C-A615-C46ABE892062', 'KHIND\JoePowers', 'Sales Transaction Approval', 'ORD42887~2', @param5 OUT, @param6 OUT, @param7 OUT, @param8 OUT, @param9 OUT, @param10 OUT, @param11 OUT, @param12 OUT SELECT @retstat, @param5, @param6, @param7, @param8, @param9, @param10, @param11, @param12 set nocount on END

    /*  Date: 02/27/2019  Time: 8:33:18*/

    BEGIN UPDATE ##1625732 SET Workflow_Name = ?, Workflow_Originator = ?, WorkflowInstanceID = ?, Workflow_Type_Name = ? WHERE Workflow_Name = ? AND Workflow_Originator = ? AND WorkflowInstanceID = ? AND Workflow_Type_Name = ? AND DOCDATE = ? AND SOURCE = ? AND DOCTYPE = ? AND DOCNUMBR = ? AND CUSTNMBR = ? SELECT @@rowcount END

    /*  Date: 02/27/2019  Time: 8:33:18*/

    Prepared stmt(50812520):

    /*  Date: 02/27/2019  Time: 8:33:18


    {CALL ##zDP_1625732N_1(25,'2019.01.30',2,11,'ORD42887','7122777496',NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL,NULL)}

    I could send the entire log if it helps.

  • RE: Navigation Lists Very Slow

    The best way to verify the information or what is causing it to take 20-60 seconds would be to run a dexsql.log first, then a SQL Profiler trace, to see what scripts or process is taking the longest.

    Usually with a dexsql.log, we see which procedures or scripts are taking the longest to run, and then once identified, we can look at why that is.

    As for Workflow 1.0 tables, those were all held in SharePoint databases as blob data, so its unlikely that it's looking for data in those tables.


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