To calculate TVA (Taxe sur la Valeur Ajoutée) based on a tax option in Business Central, you can follow these steps:
Set up the tax options: Go to the "Tax Setup" page, and create a new tax option. Assign the tax percentage for the TVA to the tax option.
Assign the tax option to items: Go to the "Item Card" page, and assign the tax option to the relevant items.
Create and post a sales invoice: Go to the "Sales Invoice" page, and create a new invoice for the relevant customer. Add the item(s) with the tax option to the invoice, and fill in the relevant details.
Calculate the TVA: Once the invoice is ready, click on "Get Tax" to calculate the TVA based on the tax option assigned to the items. Business Central will automatically calculate the TVA based on the tax percentage assigned to the tax option.
Post the sales invoice: Once you've verified the TVA calculation and made any necessary adjustments, you can post the sales invoice.
Note that the steps involved may vary slightly depending on your specific setup and configuration in Business Central
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