DONE!!!!!! :)
So... you have to prepare some tables after the upgrade (from SL7.00 to SL7.03 FP1 Sp4).
You have to check in all tables where Crtd_User = '(PC)' (I have a sql script that do that job for me) Then... UPDATE then to something like this Crtd_User = 'UPGRADE' (or whatever) (Just in case, maybe not necesary at all, I updated Crtd_prog = 'SolFFTW' to Crtd_prog = 'HEINLEIN' (or whatever too)
Then I process de database with Database Maintenance with the option: "6.5x, 7.x to 7.0 SP4"
And the apocalyptic message just "go away"....
PD: I Updated this tables:
UPDATE Vendor SET Crtd_User = 'UPGRADE' where crtd_user = '(PC)'
UPDATE CuryRate SET Crtd_User = 'UPGRADE' where crtd_user = '(PC)'
UPDATE POAddress SET Crtd_User = 'UPGRADE' where crtd_user = '(PC)'
UPDATE Terms SET Crtd_User = 'UPGRADE' where crtd_user = '(PC)'
UPDATE Vendor SET Crtd_prog = 'HEINLEIN' where Crtd_prog = 'SolFFTW'
UPDATE CuryRate SET Crtd_prog = 'HEINLEIN' where Crtd_prog = 'SolFFTW'
UPDATE POAddress SET Crtd_prog = 'HEINLEIN' where Crtd_prog = 'SolFFTW'
UPDATE Terms SET Crtd_prog = 'HEINLEIN' where Crtd_prog = 'SolFFTW'
PD2: MsDynamicsSL.EXE searches at least in this tables:
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM GLSetup (nolock) WHERE crtd_user = '(PC)'
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Account (nolock) WHERE crtd_user = '(PC)'
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM InTran (nolock) WHERE crtd_user = '(PC)'
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Vendor (nolock) WHERE crtd_user = '(PC)'
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM CuryRate (nolock) WHERE crtd_user = '(PC)'
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM POAddress (nolock) WHERE crtd_user = '(PC)'
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Terms (nolock) WHERE crtd_user = '(PC)'