Hi All masters and experts
I have created a custom entity, that opportunity has one to many relation with that( opportunity as primary entity) and its Ok.
Now I wanna display that custom entity in subgrid of Quote and Order( with related data )
(Opp has 1 to many relation with Quote and also Order, so Quote and Order are displayed in the left panel of the Opportunity Form)
I enter data into my custom entity( that can access from left side of opportunity Form) in Opportunity Form, and Order and Quote are also displayed in the left side of Opportunity.
I want to display the related data of the custom entity via IFRAME in Order and Quote of that opportunity.
I mean I have created an opportunity Form with only my custom entity.
Now I wanna display that opportunity in Quote and Order via IFRAME.
My Base URL is :
( In the edit Form )
What would be the URL of the IFRAME so that related Opportunity of each Order and Quote will display?
In creating IFRAME there is checkBox :
Pass record object-type code and unique identifier as parameters.
Should this option be checked?
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